研究成果发表于Decision Sciences、EJOR、IJPE、IJPR、JCLP等高水平国际学术期刊
>Zhou, Y. (独立作者). 2018. The role of green customers under competition: a mixed blessing? Journal of Cleaner Production 170: 857-866.
>Jin, M., J. Nie, F. Yang and Y. Zhou (通讯作者,并列第一作者). 2017. The impact of third-party remanufacturing on the forward supply chain: a blessing or a curse? International Journal of Production Research 55(22): 6871-6882.
>Wu, X. and Y. Zhou (通讯作者,并列第一作者). 2017. The optimal reverse channel choice under supply chain competition. European Journal of Operational Research 259(1): 63-66.
>Wu, X. and Y. Zhou (通讯作者,并列第一作者). 2016. Does the entry of third-party remanufacturers always hurt original equipment manufacturers? Decision Sciences 47(4): 762-780.
>Li, G. and Y. Zhou (通讯作者,并列第一作者). 2016. Strategically decentralise when encroaching on a dominant supplier. International Journal of Production Research 54(10): 2989-3005.
>Xiong, Y., Q. Zhao and Y. Zhou (通讯作者,并列第一作者). 2016. Manufacturer-remanufacturing vs supplier-remanufacturing in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 176: 21-28.
>Xiong, Y., Y. Zhou (专辑客座主编), Z. Xiong and J. Law. 2014. Editorial: Special Issue on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China. International Journal of Technology Management 65: 1-5.
>Xiong, Y., Y. Zhou (通讯作者), G. Li, H. Chan and Z. Xiong. 2013. Don't Forget Your Supplier When Remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research 230(1): 15-25.
>Zhou, Y. (第一作者), Y. Xiong, G. Li, Z. Xiong and M. Beck. 2013. The Bright Side of Manufacturing–Remanufacturing Conflict in a Decentralised Closed-Loop Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Research 51(9): 2639-2651.
>博士生课程《Advanced Operations Research》(全英文授课)